Netflix Series. Biographical Documentary. 2019.

Episode 3. 55 min.

Relationship with Spouse/Wife (Melinda Gates)— Topics Bill Gates reads — Start-ups for innovation against CO2 — Nuclear Energy — Nathan Myhrvold — 800,000 people killed by coal every year — Drunken drivers — Nuclear power plant automation — Terra Power and Nuclear Plant — Microsoft is monopoly or not — Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation —President Xi of China privately met with Bill Gates — Influence of Conflicts between USA and China — Principle of Bill Gates.

Bill Gates and his world.

In 2000, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is founded to be run by both, EQUALLY.

  • Bill Gates reads about health areas, energy, climate change.
  • When burn coal, natural gas, liquid gas, main general sources, there will be produced CO2 in the air. Because of heat caused by CO2, many natural disasters are happening in nowadays to the world.
What extracts CO2 ?
  • Start-up #1. Developing porous material that could remove carbon from air soaking up CO2 like a sponge.
  • Start-up #2. Converting CO2 to chemicals to make recyclable plastics and other products.
  • Start-up #3. Using highly efficient 3-D printing, the scientists are creating materials that produce far less carbon dioxide.
  • Start-up #4. Building a longer-range cheaper battery for electric vehicles

“It usually takes 50 years before something becomes feasible” — Bill Gates

Why Terra Power founded?

About investment to Nuclear energy:

“It’s the kind of innovation that might not get done unless I came in and helped. It’s hundreds of millions of dollars requires assembling teams of scientists. I would not doing it if it was not for climate change. There’s many challenges, including the economics, the public perception. Yeah, it is not easy one.” — Bill Gates

Co-founder of Intellectual Ventures Lab, Nathan Myhrvold majored in math earned fellowship with Stephen Hawking.

According to statisticians, if we compare risk of driving and taking flight, flying is not dangerous but driving is too dangerous.

30,000 people are killed by mostly drunken drivers.

Bill and Nathan met with best expert in nuclear energy in the world, Lowell Wood , worked with Edward Teller who invented hydrogen bomb, was the technical head of the Star Wars project of USA. Today, Lowell owns more patents of inventions than Thomas Edison.

Lowell Wood’s paper on topic of Automation of Nuclear reactors.
What features distinguish Terra Power Nuclear Project from others?
Reason for Fukushima nuclear disaster.

The nuclear power plant that exploded at Chernobyl is based on a design from the late 1940’s. Most modern nuclear power plants in existence in the US at the present time represent 1960’s designs and 1970’s implementation.

Making theories and researches on the paper REAL!!!

Terrapower is testing and developing their designs for five years.

“Melinda, wherever we are going, we are going together. ” — Bill Gates

Main raw source of Terra Power. Using waste of processed uranium.

In 2015, Bill Gates ended deals with China for building reactors around the globe with cheap cost and very safe energy source which may possible bring to the world “zero greenhouse gas”

Because of trade war between USA and China, Terrapower could not implement cooperating on building nuclear plants.

Last Word of Bill Gates.
Bill’s Principle

“WORK HARDER” — Bill Gates

“Each one of us has start out with developing his or her own definition of success. And when we have specific expectation of ourselves, we are more likely to live up to them.” — Mary Gates, Mom of Bill Gates

“Ultimately, it is not what you get, or even what you give. It is what you become.” — Mary Gates, Mom of Bill Gates

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Published by Bayandalai. G


