Inside Bill’s Brain: Decoding Bill Gate #2

Bayandalai Oz
3 min readJan 7, 2020


Netflix Series. Biographical Documentary. 2019.

Episode 2. 50 min.

Think week since 1990's — Teenagers friendship with Kent Evans — Friendship with Paul Allen —Losing friend Kent — Bill Gates & Warren Buffet — 31 billion dollars — Optimization — Programming— Microsoft

  • Every year, Bill Gates get break for one week from outside world for reading and thinking since 1990’s. It is his Think Week.
Think Week of Bill Gates. Netflix. 2019
  • Nobody could not make class schedules and the high school called Bill with his friend, Kent Evans, two teenager boys for taking help on sorting schedules for more than 400 high school student. Bill solved this hard problems with Paul Allen, not with best friend Kent Evans who died during the moment while he was climbing in mountains. After resolving this problem using optimal algoritm, Bill Gates and Paul Allen invited to program the computer for the water and power company.
A). Bill Gate at boy’s school B). Gates with friend Kent Evans exchanging journals such as Forbes, Bloomberg etc.,
Schedule of Lakeside high school, drafts of organizing timetables with specific many conditions.

“It is enormously important that you do have the right friends. If they make you a better person than you otherwise would be, that’s the ultimate gift.” — Warren Buffet.

Friendship of Warren Buffet and Bill Gates.

Interviewer: If you are not doing things for inspiring, what are doing things for?

Bill Gates: Optimization

  • Bill was so hard worked on his programming and start-up named Microsoft without going outside for eating.
  • In April of 1981, Paul and Bill were writing code for IBM under urgent deadline. But Paul disappeared for three days without saying to Bill for watching launch of USA’s very first space shuttle.
  • Bill was 110% committed to Microsoft, 365 days a year.
  • Paul left Microsoft. But Paul was very first person who showed off when mom of Bill’s passed away.
  • Paul Allen passed away in 2018 because of cancer. Bill and Paul could not meet with each other before his death even they made many efforts to reach with each others.
Bill Gates with friend and co-founder of Microsoft, Paul Allen.
  • Poor sanitation drives to contagious disease named Polio, makes paralyzed mainly children, mostly causes in poor countries.
  • Even though vaccination of Polio was made through Nigeria, the results of disease coincidence did not reach as expectation because of boundaries areas where did not made vaccination as a result of missing information between vaccinators. Detailed, accurate maps of Nigeria using high-resolution satellite imagery, algorithms, and increased computing power developed.
  • Fight with Polio in Nigeria by 400 million dollars faced with trouble of terrorism and can not measure results. Vaccinators on-the-ground equipped with precise micro plans for zero coincidence of Polio.
  • Vaccinators of Polio were killed by terrorists in Nigeria. Because of terrorism, could not get access to information and data about result.
Detailed map planning of vaccination in Nigeria.

